A question direct to me:


My dear,Jesus for me is the earthy rappresentation of the wonderful things that Universe is ,us included also be able to do.Via jesus all connections and manifestations more understandable for humans are possible.I became Buddhist myself after being Christian from Rome.Because at that time i didnt put right effort in understanding instead was more easy for me embrace the Spirituality of philosophy of life that Buddhist was able to teach and enlighted me a lot in a moment no great of my life.
Also Buddhist and all other spirituality worldwide are looking at jesus as an entity superior and devine period regonizing his legitimate Royal status.
The only thing that i can say a little provocatorly:)) is that Religions are for people scare to go in hell.
Spirituality is for people that have already been there with Life's lessons.
Thanks again for asking me questions of different nature. 
Also Buddhist and all other spirituality worldwide are looking at jesus as an entity superior and devine period regonizing his legitimate Royal status.The only thing that i can say a little provocatorly:)) is that Religions are for people scare to go in hell.Spirituality is for people that have already been there with Life's lessons.Thanks again for asking me questions of different nature. NamasteAmen the name of our Jesus.Vladimiro Di Vito


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