All my accomplishement in United States Seattle,Wa 98146 — — cell: 001–206 856 6192


Seattle, 001-206 856 6192    

Born in Italy in 1963 live in Seattle USA since 2001.For more than a decade he has been recognized as a Metaphysic/Philosopher Buddhist and Spirituality.                              

Researcher related to the impact that Spiritually, Science and Meditation can have on, and improve positively; the mind, body and soul of any human being, their environment and life’s values.

Speaker and Coach with polite, kind, leader strong personality. Blessed with sharp intuition and compassion also psych abilities.
In Feb 2013 started as a student at the Richard Hugo Academy in Seattle,Wa
Gifted in Poetry, Writing (Prose,Writing with Visual Art,Fiction,Non-Fiction,Short Story,Symbolism,Narrative,Artices,Opinionist,Moderator.
Scene Writing and Personal Essay.
In 2015 Vladimiro started studying become a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Therapist/Counselor.
Activist for Domestic Violence, Human trafficking, Modern Slavery, Pedophilia.
Since 2016 he is Artist Designer for VIDA Global fashion line e-Commerce.
We found it interesting that lately he’s now added the K-pop music genre too, as one of the mediums for his Artistic Expression.
K-pop (an abbreviation of Korean pop or Korean popular music) is a musical genre consisting of dance, electronic, electropop, hip hop, rock, and R&B, House music originating in South Korea. In addition to music.
K-pop has grown into a popular subculture among teenagers and young adults around the world and now can be categorized as another modern colorfull way to spread Art via mind sing performance of great songs already successfull from their own original stage and creator.
Recognized as “ Executive Life Coach”
Also his name is well known in Webs World as Media Influencer.
“EXECUTIVE COACH”                             by Vladimiro Di Vito
========================================Hard Journey in Life left me Coach skills and abilities able to motivate and Redirect people into the Serenity of Life
For contact: Vladimiro Di Vito 98146 Seattle cell: 001–206–856–6192
Since moved in USA, I starts a very hard life that motivate myself to built a good background of general knowledge also vocational, holistic, metaphysical, science and philosophy , sociology, moderator skills.
In my life also and try different opposite jobs in different work fields , i traveling all globe, hard trials, strong unconditional spiritual attitude, big health problem , family tragedies and kind of emphatic personality with total free soul.
With all this mental baggage, i had the priveledge to support individuals in need of self-esteem direction, more private in life and family and sadly addictions too.
But another point of view based on my personal strong journey.
I have built the right confidence to deal with appropriate training for big companies to a small business at single person, using personal strategy and technique able to screen people from day one.
I will give accurate help on how to deal under strong pressure, and under stress and make wise decisions with control and professional confidence instead of erratic, disastrous decisions.
Regarding the labor force, it is much easier if we focus on the female and male personalities of each individual to speed up productivity, reduce coexisting issues and create a serene teamwork enviorement. ========================
 “MY MISSION”:                       
Vladimiro Di Vito is a 55 year old Italian man since 2001 in Seattle,Wa.
Naturally gifted Life Coach, Activist Volunteer and independent Artist,Writer, Modern Theologies, Metaphisic, Philosopher, Writer, Poet.
Based on my own personal journey full of serious struggles (mentally and physically) as an Italian immigrant in the last 12 years.
Those experiences forced me to re-explore and adjust with new prospective soul and mind. Fortunately because I am perseverant personality, I was able to become an enlightened Survivor.
Also I realized from this experience my calling that was to help others in the same situations.
I developed then my new concept of pre-intervention and evaluation of the candidates in base of their own determination in let go struggles and uncomfortable lifestyle in private life and in work place. My intent is to give positive direction and priorities for a more stable and productive, professional serene life.
I firmly believe that a positive life change partially or totally can be easily achieve.
Together will be able to control the entity of the addictions and other stress mental issues using the moderation as main Key and gradual healing process.
I can be able to give them the new understanding of values and responsibility that can become priceless tool in the process of re-built all lost normal life functions.
Also will work together with organizations and projects that i select for them for achieve more than one goal through priorities, positivity and spiritualities in the way they feel.

Love, kindness, compassion, no judgement and  understanding is the motto that each individual must adopt for achieve success and happiness.

 NamasteAmen                                                                  Vladimiro Di Vito

Seattle, 001-206 856 6192                       ============================================

Little article from a kind journalist Mrs P.Smith

“ Another modern way to look at the visionary
art of Vladimiro”

Vladimiro Di Vito is a true Renaissance Visionary Artist, as we know, uses a full range of different creative techniques, including photography, fashion, writing, poetry, critiques, Indie film making and more, to express his inspirational messages to the World .
